Lista de secções

  • This online course is a course where you learn about how to use the JuezLTI tool in your own courses. You will learn at your tempo and when it suits you. The course is divided into six lessons where you read and work through some tasks.

    To be able to perform those tasks you will also get another course here on this Moodle instance where you enroll as a teacher.

    That course where you have the roll as a teacher is your sandbox where you can try out the JuezLTI connection towards this LMS. If you have the possibility and want to work towards your current LMS you can feel free to use that instead as long as it supports the required LTI standard.

    When working through this course you can click the Mark as done button to keep track of your progress. You can of course jump back and forth to other parts as it pleases you.

    If there are any big announcements in the course they will be published in the Announcement forum

    In the Questions and answers forum you can ask questions about anything related to the JuezLTI tool and teaching with it.